fitted sheets made of organic cotton

59,90 €
inkl. Mwst. Versand ist kostenfrei

1 review

Aus 100% bester Bio-Baumwolle - Nachhaltig und fair in Deutschland produziert.

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Color: White

✓ Made from 100% finest organic muslin cotton.
✓ Produced sustainably and fairly in Germany.
✓ Soft, breathable and temperature regulating.

Our fitted sheet made from 100% organic cotton (not muslin!) is the ideal addition to our popular muslin bed linen – for an all-round harmonious bedroom!

  • Breathable & skin-friendly: Ideal for allergy sufferers and sensitive skin.
  • Perfect fit: Thanks to the elastic all-round rubber, the sheet stays securely in place - for mattress heights of up to 19 - 25 cm.
  • Durable & easy to care for: Machine washable at 40°C (up to max. 60 °C)
  • Sustainably & fairly produced regionally in Baden-Württemberg

Available in four different sizes and colors to match your interior style and your muslin bedding.


Our fitted sheet is available in the following sizes:

  • 90x200 cm (mattress height 19-25cm)
  • 140-150x200 cm (mattress height 19-25cm)
  • 160x200 cm height (mattress height 19-25cm)
  • 180-200x200 cm (mattress height 19-25cm)
Pflege & Material

Ourfitted sheetconsists of100% organic cotton.Ourfitted sheetare produced fairly and sustainably in Germany.

Care of our fitted sheets

  • Machine wash up to max. 60 °C
  • tumble dryer-safe

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Tolle Qualität und sehr angenehm!

Das ist mit Abstand das hochwertigste Spannbettlaken das ich je gekauft habe und man fühlt den Unterschied. Die Passform ist super, keine Falten und wunderbar angenehm auf der Haut! In Deutschland produziert rundet es noch positiv ab!

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