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Rezept Pistazien Schnecken

Rezept Pistazien Schnecken

Sie sind der perfekte Mix aus fluffigem Teig, cremiger Füllung und einem unwiderstehlichen Topping. Ob zum Frühstück, Kaffee oder als kleines Mitbringsel – Pistazien Schnecken kommen immer gut an! 🌟 Das...
Annika Seibel
Zuckerfreie Marmelade selber machen

Zuckerfreie Marmelade selber machen

Fruchtig, frisch und unkompliziert – selbstgemachte Marmelade schmeckt auch ohne zusätzlichen Zucker fantastisch! 🍓 Diese einfache Erdbeermarmelade ist perfekt für alle, die natürliche Aromen lieben und Wert auf gesunde Zutaten...
Annika Seibel
Geschenke mit Musselin Stoffresten verpacken

Wrapping gifts with muslin fabric scraps

Gift-giving season is approaching - wrap your presents stylishly with leftover muslin fabric! This creative method combines environmental awareness and elegance and turns every gift into a unique eye-catcher. In...
Annika Seibel
Tagged: deko dekorieren diy
Schneeflocken aus Wattestäbchen basteln: Die perfekte Deko für den Winter

Making snowflakes from cotton swabs: The perfect decoration for winter

Winter is just around the corner - the perfect time to make your home cozy. With these DIY snowflakes made from cotton buds, you can bring a bit of winter...
Kreiere besondere Festtafeln mit 3 Arten Musselin-Servietten zu falten

Create special festive tables with 3 ways to fold muslin napkins

Our instructions show you step by step how to create impressive napkin creations that are suitable for every occasion - be it for a festive dinner, a special occasion or...
Annika Seibel
Tischdeko DIY: Serviettenringe selber machen!

DIY table decoration: make your own napkin rings!

The perfect table decoration for festive occasions does not have to be expensive: with a little creativity and simple materials, you can quickly create unique napkin rings that give your...
Annika Seibel
Tagged: deko dekorieren DIY
Unsere Reise-Essentials: So begleiten Dich Deine Musselinlieblinge im nächsten Sommerurlaub

Our travel essentials: How to take your muslin favourites with you on your next summer holiday

Summer is just around the corner and you may already be planning your next vacation. Whether you want to go to the beach, explore the mountains or are planning a...
Annika Seibel
Entspannt durch heiße Sommernächte: Warum Musselin ideal für den Sommer ist

Relaxed through hot summer nights: Why muslin is ideal for summer

Sleep like you're on clouds in summer? Muslin bed linen makes it possible! Discover the advantages of muslin for warm summer nights: Breathable, light and easy to care for. Find...
Annika Seibel
Die Wohltaten der Sauna: Warum regelmäßiges Saunieren für Körper und Geist so wichtig ist

The Benefits of the Sauna: Why Regular Sauna Bathing is So Important for Body and Mind

A regular visit to the sauna not only offers you relaxation and a little break from the stress of everyday work, but also brings with it numerous health benefits. The...
Annika Seibel
Weihnachtlicher Heidelbeer-Mocktail mit Zimt

Christmas Blueberry Mocktail with Cinnamon

Discover our delicious recipe for a festive taste experience! The anticipation of the most contemplative time of the year is constantly growing and so today we present you with a...
Annika Seibel
Herbstliches DIY: Stoff-Kürbisse selber basteln!

Autumn DIY: Make your own fabric pumpkins!

Autumn is the perfect time to decorate your home with cozy decorations. In this DIY project, we'll show you how to create beautiful muslin fabric pumpkins from scraps of fabric.

Annika Seibel
Kuschel-Season: Lass den Herbst bei Dir einziehen mit Kürbissuppe und herbstlichen Waffeln

Cuddle season: Let autumn come to you with pumpkin soup and autumnal waffles

While the golden autumn is in full swing and the temperatures are slowly falling, the leaves are changing into warm autumnal shades, we long for one thing above all else:...
Annika Seibel