The Birth is probably the most impressive and emotional experience for mother, child and partner*in. It is all the more important that you find out about possible places of birth in your area in the early stages of pregnancy, since out-of-hospital births in particular require early registration. Together with Steffi and Janine from Hey Wow Mom we have one today An overview compiled for you of what options there are in addition to giving birth in the clinic, and wwhich are the biggest differences.

< span class="NormalTextRun SCXW126094493 BCX4">Baby in cheesecloth

1 . Hospital birth
Knowledge test you already Around 98% of women choose to give birth in a hospital - although home births are also gradually becoming more popular, especially in the context of the pandemic. In the case of clinical birth, a distinction is made between a maternity clinic with a midwife working in shifts and a so-called registered birth with a registered midwife. In a clinic where the midwives work in shifts, they usually look after several births at the same time. Depending on the number of parallel births, the intensity of care also differs. In the case of an assisted birth, you will be Birth supervised and accompanied 1:1 by your own midwife. There are also so-called midwifery delivery rooms, which are then managed entirely by midwives instead of doctors*innen.  

While it is generally intended in the clinic for a gynecologist to be present during the final phase of the birth, they do not normally intervene in a natural spontaneous birth. In fact, 90% of births do not require any risk management. Depending on the size of a clinic and the associated number of births, several midwives and gynecologists are on duty per shift.  

In principle, giving birth in a clinic has two major advantages: On the one hand, there are different possibilities of pain relief like nitrous oxide, epidural anesthesia (PDA) and much more. In an emergency, rapid medical care is also guaranteed for you and/or your child.

However, are with a hospital birth also some cons connected, that you should consider when making your decisionThe midwives and doctors:inside are you unknown and there is no 1:1 support. Since the midwives work in the shiftsystem, it may happen that your midwives change during the birth. In addition, are in the clinic the Intervention rates higher, that is, interventions in the birth process occur more often in the clinic than in a home or a Birth center. The clinical atmosphere often does not help with relaxation - although there are now very nice birthing rooms. The Wochenbettstation is then usually a normal hospital ward. 

DThe disadvantages of a hospital birth letn < /span>almost equalize with a registered midwife, since you get to know each other in advance and she also accompanies you through your pregnancy. Trust and a personal bond characterize the support provided by your own midwife. Unfortunately, due to the horrendous amounts of liability insurance, there are only very few registered midwives. You are not employed in the clinic, which is why you have to pay the insurance premiums yourself. It is therefore important to try to find a midwife early on, preferably before the 10th week of pregnancy. Also important to know: Since the time of birth cannot be planned, you have to plan an on-call service flat rate for a registered birth. The health insurance company subsidizes this in the amount of 250 euros. Depending on where you live and how long it lasts, a midwife on call for several weeks costs between 500 and 1000 euros on average. You also need these if you are planning a home birth or a birth center.

If you can imagine or wish to have an out-of-hospital birth, it is important that you arrange for obstetric care by a midwife at an early stage, preferably when the pregnancy is established, since it is also possible there are only a few options here. In addition, an out-of-hospital birth is only possible if there are no risks or foreseeable complications. In any case, your midwife will provide detailed advice and the associated planning in the event of a transfer, so that you can give yourself up to your birth with complete confidence.

2. Home birth

A home birth means being able to give birth in your own 4 walls, intimately and undisturbed. Only your own well-known midwife and, if necessary, a second midwife are present - and depending on your wishes, your partner and/or family are of course present. You start your birth without changing location and then straight into the confinement. A home birth takes place without intervention at your own pace. 

But here, too, there are a few points that you should think through carefully in advance. Dthe possibility of medicinal pain relief not applicable - whereby home births however  actually often felt less painful than births in the hospital, because it can be easier for you to let yourself go completely in the relaxed environment and deal with the pain. The perception of pain is individually very different, what is important is the feeling of security and the opportunity to let yourself go completely.   

If you birth in your own four walls or want to, can giving birth in a birth center mightmight be an alternative.  

3. Home birth

Birth in a birth center is led by a team of midwives, usually teams of 2 are on call for you. Eie advantages ofs Birthplaceses: Dyou stay in birth rooms you know, you know the midwives and you can also give birth in an intimate and quiet atmosphere. The only disadvantage of out-of-hospital births is, ebenso like a home birth, the limited possibility of painrelief. But as already said: with 1:1 support, this is needed much less. 

Both in the clinic and outside of the clinic, you can give birth to your baby in the water. There are birthing pools available in the clinics and birthing centers and there is an inflatable birthing pool at home that you can borrow. Regardless of where you give birth, ideally plan before the birth who can support you in childbirth and how. It would be important for your partner to take vacation or parental leave in the first few weeks. Above all, clarify your own supply - pre-cooked food or food provided by friends or family can be a great help here, as well as household chores. Your midwife will visit you every day for the first few days - a colleague can do this for you if you have a registered birth or a home birth. In the case of a birth center, a home birth or an outpatient clinic birth, the U2 examination by a paediatrician should also be planned, as should the registration of the birth at the registry office.  

As you have now seen, the assumption that only birth in a hospital is safe is wrong. Because with an uncomplicated pregnancy without any abnormalities, every place of birth is a safe birth! 

Author: Jane-Lee Fromm

Eliane Wikert