Let Don't get confused by all the different information on the internet - a hospital bag is super easy to pack with the right tips, especially if you get into Silence takes care of that. With Steffi and Janine from Hey Wow Mom< /span> we have a great version for you We have put together a thorough checklist and also have a few useful tips for you!

Basically, a birth bag is recommended, no matter where you want to give birth - even if you give birth at home! How so? Once you've packed all your essentials, labor can really get going when you start labor and you don't need to stress yourself out, since childbirth itself is turbulent.  

The birth bag contains all the important papers as well as personal things that are as comfortable as possible for you during the birth and can give you energy. You don't have to be minimalist - in the end, it's better to unpack things you didn't need instead of looking for something when you leave or your partner at the end having to send it again. 

When should I pack my hospital bag?

Packing the bag before the birth can give you security and help you to actively deal with the fact that your baby could be with you soon. So you can increase your anticipation even further.  

When you pack your bag is of course up to you - we recommend packing around the 36th week of pregnancy if your baby wants to come a little earlier. Of course you can always add more things.

What goes in?

Ideally, when you visit your desired place of birth, which usually takes place with the final registration at the end of the pregnancy, you ask what you should bring with you to the birth. The equipment can vary greatly. Sometimes you can also find such information on the respective website. You can also find all of our tips in our Checklist that you can easily download and print out!

One ​​last tip: what exactly you pack is of course individual. If you're unsure about something, it's better to pack a little more than find out something's missing. So you can concentrate fully on the most important thing during the birth and afterwards - your arrival together in this new life.

Author: Jane-Lee Fromm

Eliane Wikert
Tagged: menu_Tipps