The common image that films and series convey to us is a birth in the supine position. The pregnant woman lies on a bed and a doctor stands next to her and calls out: "Press". We want to clean up this outdated image in this blog post! For this we once again have support from Steffi and Janine from Hey Wow Mom.

Did you know?

In fact, the supine position is counterproductive for the physiological birth process for many different reasons:  

1. The uterus, which contracts with the waves, pushes into the pelvis due to the contraction. In the supine position, she has to sit up straight instead of letting gravity work. This is less effective and puts unnecessary strain on the uterine muscles.

2. Under the waves, the abdominal muscles also help to actively push the baby into the pelvis. In the supine position, the abdominal muscles can work less and are therefore far less effective.

3. As in pregnancy, the heavy uterus presses on the inferior vena cava during birth and thus prevents it from returning - this can lead to a drop in your own heart rate and that of the child.

4. Your pelvis can expand up to 2 cm - it is flexible and flexible. This expansion and loosening up is only possible when standing still. Your child's skull plates can also slide over one another. So together you can support each other.

5. In addition, when your baby is lying on its back, it presses on the rump area, which restricts its mobility.

The birthing position supports the physiological birth process. In upright positions you can use gravity - it can work directly and effectively. You can also use targeted movements to help your baby rock it in the pelvis and master the turns in the pelvis.

The following points are particularly important for movements during childbirth:

1. Understand your body and the logic of the birthing postures: How does the baby move in the pelvis, how can I support it from outside with movement?

2. Use your powers sparingly! Movement during childbirth is important, but at the same time you should also allow yourself rest when you need it and not overexert yourself unnecessarily.

3. Find something within reach when you feel like it. Hanging in a rope, wall bars, your partner or the edges of a bed or bath can be suitable.

4. Put both feet firmly on the floor: Only then is the pelvic floor loose - for example, when standing on tiptoe, it automatically tenses.

5. It is important that you have good support in your upper body so that you can move freely below.

6. Only hold birthing poses for as long as you are comfortable. A change of movement is highly recommended.

7. Use wave breaks to rest and recharge your batteries.

8. Trust your intuition - many women intuitively find suitable positions.

The water birth - more comfortable and less painful?

Water birth is a special form of birth. The warm water can have a relaxing effect and allows your baby to make the transition from the womb to its new world more easily, because the water in the birthing pool is similar to its usual environment in the amniotic sac.

Many women find giving birth in water more comfortable and less painful. A change of position is also possible here at any time thanks to the different handles on the birthing pool - for example, you can lie completely relaxed during the breaks in the waves, but you can also sit up or squat down, just as it feels good for you. >

A water birth is just as possible in the clinic as it is in a birth center or with a home birth. A birth without any foreseeable complications is required. When and how long you want to take a bath is entirely up to you. If you can imagine a water birth,it may be helpful to address when registering and planning the birth so that everything can be prepared accordingly.

Author: Jane-Lee Fromm

Eliane Wikert
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