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Geschenke mit Musselin Stoffresten verpacken

Wrapping gifts with muslin fabric scraps

Gift-giving season is approaching - wrap your presents stylishly with leftover muslin fabric! This creative method combines environmental awareness and elegance and turns every gift into a unique eye-catcher. In...
Annika Seibel
Tagged: deko dekorieren diy
Schneeflocken aus Wattestäbchen basteln: Die perfekte Deko für den Winter

Making snowflakes from cotton swabs: The perfect decoration for winter

Winter is just around the corner - the perfect time to make your home cozy. With these DIY snowflakes made from cotton buds, you can bring a bit of winter...
Kreiere besondere Festtafeln mit 3 Arten Musselin-Servietten zu falten

Create special festive tables with 3 ways to fold muslin napkins

Our instructions show you step by step how to create impressive napkin creations that are suitable for every occasion - be it for a festive dinner, a special occasion or...
Annika Seibel
Tischdeko DIY: Serviettenringe selber machen!

DIY table decoration: make your own napkin rings!

The perfect table decoration for festive occasions does not have to be expensive: with a little creativity and simple materials, you can quickly create unique napkin rings that give your...
Annika Seibel
Tagged: deko dekorieren DIY
DIY zu Ostern: Osterhase aus Musselin zum Befüllen

DIY for Easter: Easter bunny made of muslin for filling

Easter is approaching and we have a great DIY idea for you! With this upcycling project you can create a cute Easter bunny from old fabric scraps. Simply fill it with sweets and use it as a gift or as decoration.

Daniela Barth
Die perfekte Weihnachtsfeier: Winterlicher Drink und Deko-Tipps für den Weihnachtstisch

The perfect Christmas party: winter drinks and decoration tips for the Christmas table