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So gelingt der Oster-Brunch: Frühlingshaftes Tischsetting und schnelle Zitronenmuffins

How to make your Easter brunch a success: Springy table setting and quick lemon muffins

Spring is almost here, and with it comes Easter! As the flowers start to bloom and the weather finally starts to warm up, planning for Easter celebrations usually begins. Whether...
Daniela Barth
Veganes Erdnuss-Ramen: Comfort-Food in einer Bowl

Vegan Peanut Ramen: Comfort Food in a Bowl

Even though we can already hear the first birds chirping again and the sun blesses us with its presence from time to time, winter is not over yet and at...
Daniela Barth
Tagged: food menu_Rezepte
Leckere Weihnachtschokolade und Christmas-Aperol für Deinen nächsten Mädelsabend

Delicious Christmas chocolate and Christmas Aperol for your next girls' night

And of course, what is always part of a successful girls' night? Exactly, the right food. So next time it's your turn to host and you want to really enjoy the pre-Christmas period with your best friends, we have two tasty recipes here that will make the evening together even more fun!
Die perfekte Weihnachtsfeier: Winterlicher Drink und Deko-Tipps für den Weihnachtstisch

The perfect Christmas party: winter drinks and decoration tips for the Christmas table

Herbst-Rezepte: Rooibos-Latte und Kürbis-Zimtschnecken

Autumn recipes: Rooibos latte and pumpkin cinnamon rolls

Let's get cozy! When it's wet and cold outside, we make ourselves extra cozy at home. And what can't be missing besides our favorite muslin blanket? That's right - a...
Daniela Barth
Halloween DIYs: Einfache Spinnencracker und süße Deko-Girlande

Halloween DIYs: Simple spider crackers and cute decorative garland

Are you planning a Halloween party with your friends or for your children and need some inspiration for the right spooky decoration or a delicious party snack? Then we have two super simple ideas for you:
Italian Summer: 2 sommerliche Rezeptideen

Italian Summer: 2 summer recipe ideas

The days are getting longer, the nights shorter and the winter wardrobe is being exchanged for airy clothes: Summer is coming! And to match our Dolce Vita collection theme, we're...
Daniela Barth
Tagged: menu_Rezepte
In der Weihnachtsbäckerei: 1 Teig 3 Plätzchen

Christmas bakery: 1 dough 3 biscuits

Christmas isn't Christmas unless at least one cookie sheet is baked and fills the room with its warm, vanilla scent. If things have to be done very quickly, but you...
Eliane Wikert
Tagged: menu_Rezepte
Weihnachtliche Heißgetränke: 3 Rezeptideen

Christmas hot drinks: 3 recipe ideas

What could be nicer in the cold winter than snuggling up on the couch with a delicious hot drink while reading your favorite book or watching your favorite series on...
Eliane Wikert
Tagged: menu_Rezepte
Was nehme ich mit zum Picknick? 3 leckere und schnelle Rezeptideen

What do I take to the picnic? 3 delicious and quick recipe ideas

It's nice weather. We want out. How about a picnic? Here we have put together 3 quick and delicious recipe ideas for you. Quickly prepared, packed the picnic basket, grabbed...
Eliane Wikert
Wie kann die Einschulung gefeiert werden? Deko-Ideen & Kuchen-Rezept

How can the enrollment be celebrated? Decoration ideas & cake recipe

The School enrollment is a big milestone for our kids. Of course, this should be celebrated extensively. The satchel is packed, the school cone prepared and now the finishing touches...
Barbecue-Special: Grillpfirsich

Barbecue-Special: BBQ-peach

What would a barbecue be without dessert? Anything but a successful evening, because something sweet at the end is simply a must! On the menu today: A juicy grilled peach,...
Eliane Wikert