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Warum schläft mein Kind nicht durch?

Why isn't my child sleeping through the night?

Crying, screaming, despair. If children do not sleep through the night, the nightly rest can quickly become a nightmare. BIt is normal for infants and young children to wake up...
Eliane Wikert
In Position gebracht – welche Schlafposition ist die Richtige für mich?

Positioned - which sleeping position is right for me?

Back , side, or prone position: which position is the healthiest of all? First of all, to it has to be said that there is no such thing as THE...
Wieso schwitze ich nachts? Ursachen von Nachtschweiß

Why do I sweat at night? Causes of night sweats

Night sweats is a not uncommon problem that many people deal with in the course of their lives. Sweating at night can have many causes, which are harmless in most...
Eliane Wikert
Tagged: menu_Tipps
Schlafzyklen – Was du über deinen Schlaf wissen solltest

Sleep cycles - What you should know about your sleep

Who doesn't know it: like every morning, the alarm clock rings way too early and the unwelcome goodbye from deep sleep feels like someone has fetched you from another dimension....
Eliane Wikert
Tipps für die Einrichtung deines Wickelplatzes: So behältst du den Überblick!

Tips for setting up your changing area: This is how you keep track!

Whether changing diapers, cuddling or massaging - you will spend a lot of time with your baby at the changing table in the first few weeks and months. So please...
Eliane Wikert
Schlafen im Sommer? Nur noch mit Musselin!

Sleep in the summer? Only with muslin!

Muslin is characterized by the fact that its slightly twisted threads make it very soft and fluid to the touch. But this wonderful fabric has many other properties that make...
Was du wirklich brauchst: Unsere Tipps für eine nachhaltige Erstausstattung

What you really need: our tips for a sustainable first supply

How many bodysuits does my baby need? Which material is suitable? How long does all this last? And: is it also sustainable? Expectant parents ask themselves these and many other...
Eliane Wikert
Der 5 AM Club & wie er Sarahs Leben veränderte

The 5 AM Club & how it changed Sarah's life

Optional getting up at 5 a.m. seems absurd to most people. Who does this? According to our research, some people and among them famous personalities such as Apple boss Tim...
Eliane Wikert
Nachhaltige Textilpflege – Wie du deine Textilien umweltbewusst wäscht

Sustainable textile care - How to wash your textiles in an environmentally conscious way

In many areas of our everyday life, we try to act as sustainably as possible. But what about laundry? How can I wash my textiles in the most environmentally friendly...
Eliane Wikert
Ein Urlaub zuhause: Wohntrend Scandifornian

A vacation at home: living trend Scandifornian

Why choose just one furnishing style? Combining is much more fun! That's why the latest trend is called: Scandifornian Chic.
Eliane Wikert
Tagged: menu_Tipps
Slow Living – Leben auf die langsame Art

Slow Living - Living the slow way

Checking emails at breakfast and a messy desk. This is often poison for our stress level. Slow Living brings mindfulness and deceleration into your life.
Eliane Wikert
Tagged: menu_Tipps
Besser schlafen: Tipps zur Schlafhygiene

Sleep better: sleep hygiene tips

Can't fall asleep at night and wake up exhausted in the morning? Then you should take our tips for perfect sleep hygiene to heart!
Eliane Wikert