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Unsere 7 Tipps für eine positive Geburtsvorbereitung

Our 7 tips for a positive birth preparation

Birth is often described as the most memorable and beautiful event in the life of expectant parents. And at the same time, fears and insecurities often play a major role,...
Eliane Wikert
Tagged: menu_Tipps
FIELDS & FOREST: Unsere Herbst-/Winterkollektion 2021-22

FIELDS & FOREST: Our fall/winter collection 2021-22

When summer is slowly coming to an end and the trees and fields are beginning to take on colour, then it's time for the new autumn/winter collection! To keep us...
Eliane Wikert
Tagged: menu_News
Geburtspositionen - Warum die aufrechte Gebärhaltung so wertvoll ist

Birth Positions - Why the Upright Birth Position is so Valuable

The common image that films and series convey to us is a birth in the supine position. The pregnant woman lies on a bed and a doctor stands next to...
Eliane Wikert
Tagged: menu_Tipps
Zeit für Veränderung: Die Gründe für unsere Preisanpassung

Time for a change: the reasons for our price adjustment

To the collection launch on 01. We will adjust our prices in September. Since authenticity and transparency are part of the hutch&putch DNA, it is important for us to take...
Eliane Wikert
Tagged: menu_News
Geburtsphasen – Wie läuft eine Geburt eigentlich ab?

Birth phases - How does a birth actually proceed?

How does a birth actually work? What are the individual phases of birth, what is their function and what happens to the baby during these phases? Knowing what to expect...
Eliane Wikert
Tagged: menu_Tipps
Kliniktasche - Was muss ich einpacken? Mit Checkliste!

Hospital bag - what do I have to pack? With checklist!

Let Don't get confused by all the different information on the internet - a hospital bag is super easy to pack with the right tips, especially if you get into...
Eliane Wikert
Tagged: menu_Tipps
Geburtsorte - Wo bekomme ich eigentlich am besten mein Kind?

Birthplaces - Where is the best place to have my baby?

The Birth is probably the most impressive and emotional experience for mother, child and partner*in. It is all the more important that you find out about possible places of birth...
Eliane Wikert
Was nehme ich mit zum Picknick? 3 leckere und schnelle Rezeptideen

What do I take to the picnic? 3 delicious and quick recipe ideas

It's nice weather. We want out. How about a picnic? Here we have put together 3 quick and delicious recipe ideas for you. Quickly prepared, packed the picnic basket, grabbed...
Eliane Wikert
7 Fragen an Gründerin Josephin de Souza: Wie aus der Liebe zu einem Stoff ein Unternehmen mit Herz wurde

7 questions for founder Josephin de Souza: How the love of a fabric became a company with heart

This month is a very special anniversary for the hutch&putch team: we are turning 4! Hard to believe how such a beautiful story developed from an idea! hutch&putch would like...
Eliane Wikert
Tagged: menu_News
Wie kann die Einschulung gefeiert werden? Deko-Ideen & Kuchen-Rezept

How can the enrollment be celebrated? Decoration ideas & cake recipe

The School enrollment is a big milestone for our kids. Of course, this should be celebrated extensively. The satchel is packed, the school cone prepared and now the finishing touches...
Vegetarisch Grillen

Barbecue special: mango ice tea

The grand finale of our barbecue series today comes with a refreshing drink: a homemade mango ice tea! The sweetness of the mango, the tart taste of the green tea...
Eliane Wikert
Barbecue-Special: Grillpfirsich

Barbecue-Special: BBQ-peach

What would a barbecue be without dessert? Anything but a successful evening, because something sweet at the end is simply a must! On the menu today: A juicy grilled peach,...
Eliane Wikert